Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2017
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Peyton Nolan - Dragon Scholarship recipient
I'd like to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to receive this scholarship

I plan to attend KU this fall, majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Coaching

Hannah Gremillion - Dragon Scholarship recipient
Thank you guys for the scholarship, I appreciate it

I'm going to WSU to for Pre-Nursing and get my Associate Degree

Dragon Scholarship recipient
It is necessary for the recipients to attend the Alumni Banquet, unless other school activities conflict - like the Track meeet that is always this weekend. Or in Madison's case she left this morning but sent a letter.

Belle Plaine Alumni

I am so honored to have received the Dragon Scholarship from the Belle Plaine Alumni Association, and I wish I could have attended to thank you in person, but I have been selected to attend the Great Plains United Methodist Educational Mission Tour. My church has helped me obtain the money to attend this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see how Christian Services help build character and careers in the Service Fields. I will be on a week-long trip traveling to several locations during this Mission Project. I'll have the opportunity to see how women of the church work together to make changes in the lives of others.

Your wonderful scholarship and the valuable lessons that I will learn from this tour will be so important in my life as a step in the direction that God is calling me.

Thank you again, Madison Bram

Lets eat!
On the right, Annette Calloway HOLBROOK '68 and husband Rick '67 with Ron Nespor (Dixie Hall's '58 husband following) - all making good choices

Keep the line moving
Here comes Marilyn Nixon LANE '64 with husband Sid '62, followed by Steve OLESON '61

Here they are with their plates filled
Cathy Razook ELLSWORTH '67 with husband Randy

Let's check on line #2
On the left, Wilbur AYERS '45 and Clyde VASEY '45 followed by 2017 scholarship recipient

She's got her plate full and headed for the table
Jessie and Jesse HATFIELD '45
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