Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2017
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He's still practicing his hugging
Dan HATFIELD '53 giving a warm welcome to classmate Barbara Koger STUNKEL '53

Crowd continues to grow
John CLARK '57 visiting with LaDora Laughterbach BISHOP '56

Looks like an intense conversation going on behind them

Don't forget to click on the pictures the 2nd time for full size and see what's going on in the background

Father and daughter
Cathy Razook ELLSWORTH '67 saying hello to her dad

A few words before we go in for the meeting
Charles BISHOP '57 visiting with Warren BURGER '58 and David BLACK '58

A big wave
Wavern BECKNER '55 having a conversation with Fred and Susan DIERKSEN '78

Getting ready to lead the meeting
Co-Presidents Craig MEAD '73 and daughter April MEAD '00 with wife/mother Teresa '73 Guest in between

Let's open this meeting
April '00 and Craig MEAD '73 call the meeting to order (after a few technicalities with the sound system)

Prayer of Invocation
Kendall UTT '72 (Co-Treasurer) offers the opening prayer
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