Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2013
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Co-Vice-Presidents Kristy Rieckenberg Soule '96 & Dawn Zimmerman Norris '06
Kristy & Dawn read the names of the twenty-five Alumni that had passed away since our last annual meeting (These names are also printed on the inside of the 2013 program)

Judy Wooldridge Graber '56 presenting scholarships
There are some people that we see every other day, but it's always a wonderful time to get together at this Annual meeting, and I hope the class of 2013 will return whenever they can.

Judy named the recipients - Rob Narron, Molly McKinnon, Brandon Golightly, Jamie Wilkerson, and Breanna Potter

Robert Narron - 2013
Rob thanked the Alumni for the scholarship and stated that he will be attending Cowley County College to study Music Education

Molly MacKinnon - 2013
Molly plans to attend Fort Hays college for Justice studies and thanked the Alumni for her scholarship

Brandon Golightley - 2013
Brandon will be attending Cowley County (Mulvane) to obtain his Associates Degree in Automotive

Jamie Wilkerson - 2013
The picture I took of Jamie at the podium was blurred, so I used this one taken before the program. Sorry Jamie

Jamie will also be attending Fort Hays College for a degree in Nursing, and she thanked the Alumni for her scholarship
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