Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2013
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I remember you
Bill Stilwell '56 talking with Virgil (husband of Donna Jo Clark Eckhardt '57)

Joe Hunt introducing the 2013 scholarship recipients to Judy Graber
Judy Wooldridge Graber '56 represents the Belle Plaine Alumni Association in presenting the scholarships.

Co-Presidents Joe and Mary Holinde Hunt
Joe and Mary call the meeting to order and welcome the new Alumni members - Class of 2013

Class of 2013 Molly MacKinnon responds
Molly thanked the association for the welcome and also for the scholarships that were being given to the 2013 class.

Al Carrothers - 1963 (50th)
Al began by congratulating the class of 2013 and happy that they are carrying on the tradition at Belle Plaine. He wanted the audience to know that the 1963 class was known as the "Yuckers" (spelled with an "Y"), but didn't elaborate on the reason for the name. Al and his classmates were convinced that theirs was the best class ever.

Class of 1963 attending
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