Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2005
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Waiting for the doors to open
Eunice and Ellis McMillan are ready for another alumni banquet. Ellis will be the speaker for his 75th reunion (Class of 1930)

The people begin to arrive
Remember, I'm just the picture taker, I don't necessarily know all the people in the photos, so if YOU know who they are-send me a note and I'll add the names.

With the dark glasses, that's Jo Waugh, her brother-in-law Doran Waugh, and in pink, Ila Burden Ventsam

Two school chums
Stan McGehee '53 and Bud Hatfield '52

Now that's the spirit
Ron '57 and Carol Spargur Cushman '56

This looks like the fellow who helped with the balloons
Dan Cushman '60 - he will be the speaker for his class tonight (that's his mom Kathy on the left)
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