Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2005
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Starting to take shape
Note the round tables on the end - this allows easier access for those alumni with walkers or wheelchairs.

You may not think that's a big deal now, you young whippersnapper, but just wait a few more years!

Belle Plaine Historical Society
This setup is put together by the hard working D. Kay Hatfield. She'll be along later.

Class of '55 breakfast at Joe's
I told you they were a mature group of professionals

In the top photo-Bruce Walton and Wavern Backner

In the bottom photo-Merle Willey and Sharron Blankenship Willey '60

(These breakfast pictures are provided by Nelson and Ernestine Golightley Bishop - thanks)

Class of '55 breakfast at Joe's (sorta)
In the top photo-Della Burger Rhoades and husband

The bottom photo was taken at the banquet later that evening-Ellis and Eunice McMillan (Ellis is a graduate of the class of 1930 (75 years)

Class of '55 breakfast at Joe's
In the left photo-Eldon Barner and John Davis (good grins)

In the right photo-Marcia Stunkel Buehler and husband
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Last Update: 02/15/22

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