Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2022
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Last Update: 06/24/22

Crowd starts to gather
Karen (Pierce) Smith '57 and Diane Davis '57 visiting

Crowd starts to gather
On the left is Rene (Ingram) Jones '76 listening to Miles Agee '76

And they are still coming
LaVeta (Pierce) Sergeant '56 with Guest

And they are still coming
John '62 and Betty (Young) Pattrick '60

And they are still coming
Fred Miller '57 and Stacy Smith

And they are still coming
Janie (Blankenship) Brown '66

And they are still coming
Norvin '52 & wife Barbara (Koger) Stunkel '53

And they are still coming
Left (unknown), David Heater '67 and right is Warren Burger '58

And they are still coming
Donnie Parkins '56 and wife visit with Jerry Snyder '57 and Warren Burger '58

(is Warren the official greeter ?)
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Last Update: 06/24/22

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Established April 01 2003
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