Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2007
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Passing the baton
Judy Wooldridge GRABER '56 giving some encouragement to her replacement, Angela Beckner LEMMON '78. For many years, Judy has done the piano accompaniment for the singing of the Alma Mater, and this is Angela's first year

What's he going to say next?
Diane Richmond DAVIS and husband Ted '57 (Co-Presidents) welcome the crowd for the 115th Alumni reunion

Yellow ribbons were used in this year's theme:

"Showing support for those who have served, both past and present"

Half a stage of speakers
Diane, Charles Bishop '57 (Invocation), Kay McMillan DENISTON 50th, Robert Lawless 60th, and Norvin Stunkel 55th

(Photo courtesy of The Belle Plaine News, and a special thanks to Shayleen Casteel providing the excellent coverage in the May 31 and June 7, 2007 issues

The other half
Jim Wharton 35th, Margaret Gourlay LANGLEY 30th, Traci Gifford CRUISENBERRY 15th, Karla Rausch LAWLESS 10th, and Jamie Stinnett 5th

(Photo courtesy of The Belle Plaine News - Shayleen Casteel)

Before delivering the invocation, Charles had a few humorous remarks and how the world had changed since 1957

Welcome to the Class of 2007
Ted welcomes the new class to the long tradition of the Alumni Association, reminding them that many do not attend in the first few years after graduation, but as the years go by, we are drawn to return

2007 Class Response
Elizabeth Burdette offered acceptance and thanks of the 118th graduating class
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