Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2008
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Dan HATFIELD-1953 (55th)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

Harvey HOLLINGSWORTH-1963 (45th)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

James STINNETT-1968 (40th)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

Lee PARKER-1973 (34TH)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

Fred DIERKSEN-1978 (30TH)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

Kistin Geer WHATLEY-1988 (20TH)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here

Mandi Sinsel TWIST-1993 (15TH)
If the speakers will provide me with their notes, I'll post them here
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Last Update: 02/15/22

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