Belle Plaine Alumni Association - Annual Meeting 2003
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Gene Anderson - Class of '48 (55th)
Gene spoke of class size and the number attending this alumni. He also talked of prices back in those years.

Sam Clester - Class of '58 (45th)
David Black was scheduled to speak, but was unable to attend, so Sam was selected by his classmates to represent them. During his talk, there was some coaching from his classmates as to the class size, how many came back to this special anniversary. Sam noted that "Yeah, the ones who DIDN'T want to speak know all this stuff"

Harvey Hollingsworth - Class of '63 (40th)
Harvey talked of the Belle Plaine "family" at the school and the town itself. This was a theme that was mentioned by several of the speakers. Harvey didn't know his class motto, and would hear about it later.

(According to the archives, the motto is "Succeed, We can, We must")

Cindy Sharp - Class of '68 (35th)
Cindy noted that the '68 class motto is "We are what we make ourselves". When welcoming the class of 2003, she encouraged them to "hold on to your dreams" and make them happen. She mentioned how much the school facility had improved since attending BPHS (commenting on the track that is now available).
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