Belle Plaine High School Alumni Association

Minutes of the 112th Belle Plaine High School Alumni Reunion

May 29th, 2004

Co-Presidents, Sue Carter Hunt, Class of 1951, and Solon Hunt, Class of 1945, opened the meeting with welcoming remarks. The invocation was delivered by Reverend Gail Cross, 1954. The earliest alumni was introduced and recognized. The new Alumni Class of 2004 was welcomed and Chris Nelson, class president, gave their response. Roses were passed out to the 50th anniversary class of 1954 by the class of 2004.

Dean Plagge, who gave the response, recognized the 50-year reunion class by introducing some of his classmates that were present along with special guests. The anniversary class men’s quarter, comprised of Gail Cross, Don Fillmore, Dean Plagge, and Gaylord Stunkel, sang a few songs for us. After being out of school fifty years they can still hold a tune.

Judy Wooldridge Graber, 1956, shared some of the facts about the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Twenty-eight scholarships have been awarded since its inception in 1994 and a total of $11,185.91 had been donated to the scholarship fund. A number of previous scholarship winners have been contacted and were pleased to share with us that they have been successful in pursuing their college degrees. Four $500 scholarships were awarded in 2004, but only two of them went on to school. Recipients were Elizabeth Redenius and Mark Christiansen.

Co-vice presidents, Dale and Cheri Hargadine Downing both from the class of 1962, asked everyone to read the names in the memoriam portion of the program as Dale read a short poem. Kim Whippel Young, 1976, has again prepared a Memoriam Board honoring the deceased graduates. We ask that members continue to assist in forwarding information when a classmate has passed away.

Motions were made to accept the minutes and treasurer’s report of the 2003 reunion. It was moved, seconded, and passed. Co-President, Solon Hunt introduced the board that will be moving up. The motion for the new treasurer was passed.

The alumni sang the Alma Mater, which was led by Solon Hunt with Judy Wooldridge Graber accompanying.

Wayne Riddle, 1976
